General,  Songwriting tools

My week attending The songwriting academy’s 555 Challenge

I did the 555 Challenge course by this week. It was really inspiring and breathed some fresh air into my writing. I really enjoyed to see how down to earth the presenters were even after successful hit songs for super well-known artists like Dido, LeAnn Rhimes, Westlife and the list goes on. I learned so much this week and was reminded how easily we can connect globally these days with other songwriters/ producers etc.

We had daily webinars and assignments and a community page to share and comment. I would highly recommend it. Thanks to Martin and the rest of the panelists for making this course available at such an affordable price and packing it full of super valuable course material.

Our first day assignment was to come up with 10 titles for songs.

Here’re two of my ideas that I also wrote a short chorus hook for.

You’re the glue (chorus idea)
I’ll raise my sails (first two lines of chorus idea)

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